Your Primary Elements = Constitution

Water & Earth = Kapha

This constitution is ruled by the water and earth elements, known as “Kapha” in Ayurvedic terms. Together, these elements represent the structure of the body, with the primary function being protection. People with predominate qualities of water and earth have strong frames and are naturally athletic, as long as they are exercising regularly and keeping their weight down.

Their features are large, with soft eyes, smooth radiant skin and thick hair. They prefer regular routine in their personal and professional lives. They see the big picture in life and care deeply about people and the world.  Their metabolism tends to be slow and their appetite for both food and stimulation are less intense than those of other constitutions.

When the water and earth elements of “Kapha” are balanced, they are detail oriented, steady, consistent, stable, methodical, thoughtful, forgiving, sweet, patient, compassionate, loyal, loving, content, simple yet profound, and naturally athletic. It is easy for them to enjoy life.

In a state of imbalance, they tend to gain weight, hold on to fluids in the body, have allergies, sleep excessively, are resistant to change, withdrawn, depressed and unmotivated. They also tend to hold on to things, jobs, and relationships long after they have served them. When stressed, they usually withdraw. Physical symptoms may show up as asthma, diabetes, obesity and depression.


Finding Balance

Things that create balance for this constitution are living an active lifestyle, exposure to new environments and people, and having a regular exercise routine as they tend to gain weight easily. They can occasionally fast as much as once a week which can really help their sluggish digestion to catch up.

It is ideal for those with a predominate water and earth constitution to wake up early (before 6 am) and to avoid taking naps in the day. They run cold and damp, so warm and dry helps with excess water in their bodies. Dry heat helps if they are congested. Using a heating pad under the back or on the chest can also be helpful. Avoid clutter as they tend to hold on to and collect things.

To pacify the qualities of “Kapha” through food, choose light, dry and warm foods. All beans are good except for soybeans and soybean-based foods such as tofu, which should be eaten in moderation. Incorporate lighter fruits such as apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries and apricots. All vegetables should be welcomed, however, be mindful of consuming too much of any sweet and juicy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes and zucchini. To balance, choose foods with bitter, astringent and pungent tastes.

There are two ways to take this quiz, the first is through the eyes of your young years to get a more accurate read of your innate constitution, the one that that is created at conception, in Ayurvedic terms your “Prakruti”. This quiz result is to help you understand your unique balanced state or constitution and your baseline to find balance.

The second way to take this quiz is to answer the questions on how you feel today. This will show you your imbalance state or “Vikruti”.

Your equation to balance is unique to you. When you empower your body with this harmonious state you can begin to heal from anything


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