Your Primary Elements = Constitution
Fire 🔥 & Water 💧= Pitta
Your constitution is ruled by the fire and water elements, known as “Pitta” in Ayurvedic terms. Together, these elements can be innately strong & intense. People with the predominant qualities of fire and water usually have a medium build and are full of endurance with defined musculature.
They often have freckled skin and tend to turn reddish tones with exercise, when blushing or being out in the sun. They are strong-willed and good at doing what they think is right. They approach work and play with the same intensity and competitiveness. They are natural leaders and quick learners with almost immediate comprehension skills. They have a powerful intellect and solid concentration. Their digestion and appetites are strong. If they miss a meal, it won’t go unnoticed as they tend to become grumpy and snappy.
When the fire and water elements of “Pitta” are balanced, people have a luminous complexion, perfect digestion and lots of energy. They are sharp, intellectual, good teachers, leaders
In a state of Imbalance, they can place blame on others and be judgmental. They tend to be impatient towards people, have a temper and be irritated easily. Physical symptoms may show up as inflammation, rashes, peptic ulcers, acne, heartburn, indigestion
Finding Balance
Things that create balance for this constitution are any foods, activities
To pacify the fire and water elements of “Pitta” through foods, be sure to choose those that are cooling, sweet and stabilizing. Wheat, rice, barley, and oats are the best grains to eat. Sweeter fruits such as grapes, melons, cherries, coconuts, avocados, pineapples, cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes
There are two ways to take this quiz, the first is through the eyes of your young years to get a more accurate read of your innate constitution, the one that that is created at conception, in Ayurvedic terms your “Prakruti”. This quiz result is to help you understand your unique balanced state or constitution and your baseline to find balance.
The second way to take this quiz is to answer the questions on how you feel today. This will show you your imbalance state or “Vikruti”.
Your equation to balance is unique to you. When you empower your body with this harmonious state you can begin to heal from anything.
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