Some like it Hot

Others do not…

If you are already fiery by nature, meaning dominant in the 🔥 fire element, and you add summer and the heat to the mix, it can cause physical and mental reactions.

😡 😤 😡

Too much of the fire element in our bodies looks like excess sweating, sunburn, skin rashes, acne, heartburn, stomach acidity, ulcers, exhaustion, and diarrhea, to name a few.

Too much fire in our minds includes irritability, frustration, impatience, easily annoyed, short temperedness, competitiveness, egoism, envy, and quick-to-anger.

If so, it’s time to put down the hot sauce and avoid spicy foods. 🌶

You may notice that you are not drawn to spicy right now, which means you already respond intuitively to the seasons.

Favor more of the sweet taste, which may not be what you think; it’s not candy sweet, more like fruits, rice, dairy, and meats. Cool off with foods like fresh fruits and salads, and add cooling herbs like mint, cilantro, and fresh basil. It’s the perfect time to indulge in sweet dairy products if, they agree with you, such as milk, butter, ghee, cottage cheese, fresh homemade yogurt, and ice cream on occasion.

Seasonal foods help cool us down; they are nature’s gift! 🙏🏼

If you still feel irritable or angry, 😡 look at the intensity levels of your activities that add to the heat!

Add more hammocks, swaying, water sports, and relaxation.

Skip the hot yoga class for now and go for a surf 🏄 or swim, calming you and reducing your irritability.

Soon enough, you will feel balanced ~ “Cool as a Cucumber” 🥒🪭

‘Sync with the Seasons’ course helps guide you seasonally with your specific nutrition and digestion needs for your constitution and goals to Create and Live the life you Love❣️

Email us any questions or comments or if you want to connect.

Have more energy, a clearer mind and optimize your digestion.