💦 Water does us a phenomenal service.

Staying hydrated is essential for optimal physical performance, as dehydration can lead to fatigue, pain, decreased endurance, and muscle cramps. Our mind and clarity also depend on hydration. Dehydration can cause a foggy brain and cause headaches and aches overall.


☀️ We may need more in the summertime, especially late summer, as we accumulate the heat from the past few months.


🌺 Examples of being hydrated:


➡️ Regulated body temperature through sweating and respiration, preventing overheating.

➡️ Smooth digestion. Adequate hydration helps break down and absorb nutrients, facilitating smooth digestion and preventing constipation.

➡️ Proper hydration helps the kidneys filter waste and toxins from the blood, producing urine to excrete them from the body.

➡️ Lubricates joints. Water is a crucial component of synovial fluid, which lubricates and cushions joints, reducing friction and preventing joint pain.

➡️ Optimal circulation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular strain.

➡️ Moisturizes skin, improving its elasticity and appearance and preventing dryness and irritation.

➡️ Steady energy levels


🌺 Examples of being dehydrated:

➡️ Constipation. Dehydration can lead to hard, dry stools and difficulty in bowel movements.

➡️ Rapid heartbeat. A rapid or irregular heartbeat can occur as the body works harder to maintain blood pressure and circulation with less fluid.

➡️ Joint and muscle pain. Hydration is crucial for maintaining the lubrication of joints and muscles. Persistent dehydration can lead to joint pain, stiffness, and muscle cramps.

➡️ Cognitive impairments. Dehydration can affect brain function, impair memory, cause concentration problems, and cause mood swings. Over time, this can contribute to cognitive decline.

Drink half your weight in ounces as a baseline.

Then, add equivalent ounces to balance sweating, caffeine intake, and alcohol consumption.