Balance Blog
Stay up to date with our most recent news and updatesWhat is Holistic Health?
Holistic health is an approach to wellness that looks at the whole person for answers. We are each made up of a number of interrelated parts. If one part is out of balance and not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. To achieve optimal health, the...
Mind Body Connection
The mind and body are deeply interconnected. On the one hand, our minds can have an effect on how healthy our bodies are, and on the other hand, our bodies can have an effect on our state of mental wellbeing. This is what’s meant by mind/body connection. In the first...
Seasonal Eating
There’s a season for everything, a perfect time to plant, reap, buy and eat certain foods, maximizing the nutrients that properly provide for the natural needs of our bodies! Eating with the cycles of nature promotes balance and harmony with the earth’s resources and...
Sync Your Diet and Lifestyle with Nature – Pt. 2
Part two of “Sync Your Diet and Lifestyle with Nature for Greater Health Benefits." This is part two of “Sync Your Diet and Lifestyle with Nature for Greater Health Benefits.’” If you missed the first part of this blog click here to read. Winter is usually...
Sync Your Diet and Lifestyle with Nature – Pt. 1
Sync Your Diet and Lifestyle with Nature For Greater Health Benefits! Our body’s internal system is meant to match the vast ecosystem of nature. We are all interconnected with nature and the environment in which we live. When the seasons begin to change, we feel the...
Holiday Cheer
Except for the occasional Scrooge, most of us look forward to the holiday season. It’s that special time of year full of celebrations, festive decorations, music, yummy food and spreading good cheer! What are you doing this year to embrace the holiday spirit, bring...
Finding Balance in the Holiday Hustle and Bustle
The winter holiday season is often referred to as ‘the most wonderful time of the year,’ a time of celebration and good cheer, bringing joy, laughter, and togetherness with those you love. It can also be a very busy time with many additional social and financial...
Fall to Winter Transition
Are you becoming more aware of the changing of the seasons and how they may affect you? Learning to be present with the seasons will support your body, mind and spirit in recognizing all the shifts that are happening within and around you. For many, the shift from...