Balance Blog
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When you take our business name Balance Within literal we give ourselves the best opportunity to realize our full potential. Instead of trying to trick and mask things in our bodies with fad diets and unnecessary meds, we sync with it providing the best environment to...
Connecting With Your Body! – Pt. 2
Are you able to listen to your inner wisdom, or is it being stifled and overshadowed by all the noise of ‘experts,’ fad diets, cravings, stimulants, stress and other distractions? If you are ready to tune in to your body and get to know it better, you can begin by...
Connecting With Your Body! – Pt. 1
How often do you check in with yourself and ask “How am I feeling?” or “What do I need right now?” How can you support your body in feeling it’s best? Could you use more rest or more movement? Would some fresh air lift your spirits or a bit of stretching relax your...
Fall Season: How It Affects Your Body
Fall is a time of transition and you can witness the changes happening everywhere around you. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. Temperatures begin to shift, and the winds start to pick up strength. The different trees and shrubs shed their leaves...
Tips To Empower Your Body and Mind as We Shift From Summer to Fall
Did you know that taking a little extra care during the change of seasons is highly beneficial for maintaining immunity, good health and overall well-being? Ayurveda says that most diseases are born during the changing of the seasons. Seasonal changes can leave you...
Keeping Your Fire or Pitta Cool!
Summer is “pitta” time and you might be feeling, hot, hot, hot! Are you more irritable or easily annoyed these days? Is your fuse shorter than usual? If so, it could be a sign that your fire element is high and pitta dosha is aggravated. Pitta is the subtle energy...
Connect With Your Body, Not Fad Diets!
Do you feel connected to your body? Are you tuned in to how your body is affected by what you eat or don’t eat? Many people are jumping on the latest “fad diet” bandwagon in increasing numbers. Are you one of them? Examples of “fad diets” include keto, paleo,...
What Is Meant When Talking About Eating “Whole Foods?”
Food today can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, the more you can simplify and get back to nature, the better.You may hear the term “whole foods” used a lot when it comes to eating a healthy diet, but what exactly does it mean? Please note that it’s...