Our body has the intelligence to heal. We must take several steps before we get to the point of healing our body by listening to what the body is asking for via symptoms and finding the appropriate actions.

First things first, we must create a clear pathway between our Mind and Body and exercise this connection like a muscle. It will get stronger over time until it is a natural response.

I am taking on a couple of new coaching clients to help with this process.

Mind-Body Synergy is for you, if:

  • You experience anxiety whether you are high functioning anxiety, meaning people may not even know you deal with this, or it holds you back in life.
  • You feel like you are going through life on autopilot and want that spark back.
  • You do not feel in your body.
  • You stuff all your emotions down…. there is a breaking point you do not want to reach! The breaking point can look like a disease in the body, physical pain, or your mental health may take a downward turn
  • Your emotions seem to take charge, and you want to understand better and process them appropriately for emotional health.
  • You feel stressed out often and can’t seem to break the stress cycle.

I want you to live the life you love, and to do that, your health must match the lifestyle you want.

Mind-Body Synergy is a 6-week course with virtual coaching 1:1 with Lori.

Please contact Lori at Hello@abalancewithin.com if you would like to connect about joining this coaching program.