We all have some form of stress in our lives. From a holistic health perspective, our mind, body and soul are inextricably connected. Those who have experienced this first hand know there is a causal link between our thoughts, emotions and our physical health and well-being. 

When our mind is sad, fearful, angry, or anxious, our bodies are affected and can feel weaker, more tense and painful. On the other hand, when our mind is positive, grateful, calm or happy, our bodies feel stronger, healthier and more stable.

Stress is the way we respond to what is happening in our lives, whether it be a physical or an emotional demand. Stressful events can trigger activity in the sympathetic nervous system, known as the “fight-or-flight” response, flooding the body with hormones. This leads to the production of molecules called cytokines which promote inflammation in the cells. 

If this persists, it can lead to more serious physical and mental health problems. For example, someone might develop high blood pressure, depression and/or a stomach ulcer after a particularly stressful event. Stress also has harmful effects on many bodily systems including the immune, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine and reproductive system.

Our body is always responding to the way we think, feel, and act. This is one type of mind – body connection. When we are stressed, our bodies react in a way that might tell us something isn’t right. Physical pain usually serves as a warning that there is emotional work to be addressed. For example, shoulder pain may be indicative that we’re carrying a heavy emotional burden. This is where the expression “shouldering a problem” comes from.

Often times, however, it’s not the traffic delays, past due bills or the argument with a loved one that causes stress. It’s our thoughts and the story we tell ourselves and others about a situation that create the emotional upset, rise in blood pressure, anxiety or other stress response symptoms. Because people handle stress differently, effects can vary, including but not limited to:

    • Muscle tension, body & joint aches.

    • Headaches, chronic back & neck pain. 

    • Mood swings, irritability & anger.

    • Fatigue, change in sleep patterns.

    • Lack of appetite & emotional eating

    • Problems with digestion, elimination & immunity.

    • Rise in blood pressure

    • Increased heart rate

    • Shallow breathing

    • Surge in adrenalin

    • Anxiety & restlessness.

    • Brain fog, inability to focus.

    • Lack of motivation & purpose.

    • Feeling overwhelmed, sad or depressed.

One of the best gifts of healing we can give to ourselves is awareness, the awareness that stress has moved from our heads to our bodies. We can begin the journey to true holistic health by being open to our body and paying attention to the signals it is sending. It’s always speaking, however, many of us simply are not listening.

With stress levels on the rise, more and more people are turning to holistic mind-body practices with the aim of improving mental and physical health, overall well-being and maintaining a balance within.

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