You’ve probably heard of the Mind-Body connection countless times, but what is it really? Here is a simple breakdown. What goes on in the Mind—what you’re thinking and feeling—affects your Body. Negative thoughts and feelings can contribute to pain and disease. Positive thoughts and feelings can contribute to health and physical wellbeing.

Few examples:

  • Butterflies in your stomach when nervous
  • Heart pounding in your chest when excited
  • Blushing when embarrassed
  • Shortness of breath when feeling anxious
If we think a certain way over time, there can be a hefty impact on our bodies.
  • Worrying can lead to headaches and stomach/ digestive problems.
  • Stress can cause muscle pain and high blood pressure.
  • Being optimistic can lower blood sugar and cholesterol.

How does this happen?

Think about worrying and stress as a contraction. Can you picture being stressed and feeling contracted somewhere in your Body? A furrowed brow, our shoulders nearly touching our ears or contracted.

Now picture being happy.

Happy shows up as an expansion. Lots of times, we feel open when we experience joy. When we look at someone happy, it is often expressed with open arms, heart exposed or expanded. Think about the above examples and how a contraction or expansion would contribute to these symptoms The Mind and Body are deeply interconnected. On the one hand, our Mind can influence how healthy our Body is, and on the other hand, our Body can influence the state of our mental wellbeing.

This is what’s meant by Mind/Body connection.

When the Mind and Body work together as a team, exchanging useful information, a synergy happens. Synergy means the Mind & Body working together are more powerful than each separately. How cool is that? Start to feel the contractions and expansions in your Body. Where do you feel it? Please let me know.