From a holistic perspective, our mind, emotions and the physical body are one. They cannot be separated. There is a direct connection, a cause and effect link between them. 

The most common example of this connection in the body is our fight or flight mechanism. In response to acute stress, the body’s sympathetic nervous system is activated due to the sudden release of hormones. The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the adrenal glands, triggering the release of catecholamines, which include adrenaline (epinephrine), dopamine, and noradrenaline. This happens as our thoughts are being registered, resulting in a physical response in the body. 

Now we aren’t getting chased by bears on the daily, but how about when we are going out on a first date, or getting ready to speak on a stage? We can get palpable symptoms such as a belly ache, or we start sweating when it’s not even hot. Those who have experienced this connection know there is a link between our thoughts and emotions, and our physical health and well-being. 

This physiology associated with our mind/emotion/body connection can be a positive or negative effect that is felt in the physical body. When we are sad, fearful, angry or anxious, our physical body is affected and can feel weaker, more tense and painful. On the other hand, when we are positive, grateful, calm or happy, the body feels stronger, healthier and more stable.

It’s a great reminder to check in with our thoughts daily.  

Are they positive or negative? 

Are they fearful or empowering? 

Are you feeling any stress, anxiety or tension?  

Stress can cause many physical complications, as serious as a heart attack. Have a check in with your thoughts and emotional state a couple times a day to notice your inner dialogue.  

First thing when you wake up, perhaps you could find something you are grateful for and notice if there is any kind of shift. 

Is there a lightness in your body when you are thinking of something you are grateful for?  

See if you can connect to what your body feels when you think of something you are grateful for. Comment below what you feel!