Tri Dosha

Your Primary Elements = Constitution Ether, Air, Water, Fire & Earth =Vata-Pitta-Kapha Considered rare, some people have all the five elements (ether, air, fire, water, earth) or the three “doshas,” of “Vata,” “Pitta” and “Kapha” (which are comprised of the five...

Kapha Pitta Dosha

Your Primary Elements = Constitution Water, Earth & Fire = Kapha-Pitta Most people have constitutions that strongly share qualities with a few of the elements. When two different types of constitutions score fairly closely, there will be one primary and one...

Kapha Vatta Dosha

Your Primary Elements = Constitution Water, Earth, Ether & Air = Kapha-Vata   Most people have constitutions that strongly share qualities with a few of the elements. When two different types of constitutions score fairly closely, there will be one primary and one...

Pitta Kapha Dosha

Your Primary Elements = Constitution Fire, Water & Earth = Pitta-Kapha   Most people have constitutions that strongly share qualities with a few of the elements. When two different types of constitutions score fairly closely, there will be one primary and one...

Pitta Vata Dosha

Your Primary Elements = Constitution Fire, Water, Ether & Air =Pitta-Vata   Most people have constitutions that strongly share qualities with a few of the elements. When two different types of constitutions score fairly closely, there will be one primary and one...