The transition from 🌷spring to☀️ summer is a dynamic shift that influences our minds and bodies more than we think. The transitional period between each seasonal change is when most dis-eases are born; therefore, you want to tune into what is going on seasonally and personally to stay healthy, vital, and balanced.


Balanced is when we are energized, clear-minded, and digest our foods well. Each person’s formula to balance varies, and it takes a conscious effort to tune inward and to nature.

When we are balanced, we take charge of our lives and can align with the big picture of what we want and what is important to us.


➡️ Look outside; what is nature doing?

     Every year, the location and even the day may be different.

➡️ What can you do to mimic nature?

      It’s best not to use the calendar to dictate your heat, foods, and wardrobe.


The 🌷spring has provided us with dandelion root, spicy radishes, and arugula, helping combat the winter dampness like congestion and mucus we accumulated. Now, heading towards ☀️ summer and depending on your constitution, it might be time to cut back on the 🌶️ spice, hot yoga, and intense runs. Look to your local farmer’s markets.


Tune in:

➡️ What is your body feeling like?

➡️ What is this spring-to-summer seasonal transition like this year locally?


As the weather heats up, your body needs an adjustment, and you may want to favor more cooling foods to prevent the buildup of heat in your system. Seasonal eating will bring balance and maximize your body’s nutrients and natural needs.

Focus on fresh, seasonal produce. Include berries, cherries, apples, pears, asparagus, leafy greens, cucumber, zucchini, and broccoli. These foods help cleanse and prepare the body for the upcoming summer heat.

Reduce consumption of heavy, oily, and fried foods.

Add spices like coriander, fennel, and turmeric to your meals for their cooling and digestive benefits.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Add a slice of cucumber or mint leaves to your water for cooling effects.

Herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, and rose can be refreshing and help balance the heat.


Embrace the changing season by staying hydrated, eating fresh and light foods, and incorporating cooling practices into your daily routine if you naturally run 🔥 hot.


If seasonal eating interests you and you want to hear more, please join us for the Summer Solstice call on June 20th at 11:00 to kick off summer!


➡️ We will learn about the summer solstice

➡️ What summer means for you

➡️ Create your summer wants❣️