When we think of taste, we usually just think of the sensation we get on our tongue whenever we eat. However, according to the science of Ayurveda, the actual taste of the foods we choose can have great medicinal and therapeutic value.

There is an interesting and powerful relationship between taste, balanced nutrition, the digestive process and our physiology, or various functions of the body.

Taste not only affects how we experience and digest our food, but also determines the overall flavor of our existence, the essence of our lives. Each particular taste has a unique effect not just on the body, but on our mind and emotions as well.

According to Ayurveda, there are 6 basic tastes. Each is derived from the 5 elements.

Each particular taste has certain properties and effects. For example, sour, salty and pungent tastes are heating, while sweet and bitter are cooling. The astringent and bitter tastes can cause dryness, while sweet, sour and salty can promote moisture. These are just a few examples of the different attributes of each and how they can effect our overall health and well-being. 

In addition, the 6 stage process of digestion begins the moment we put food in our mouths and start chewing. Every stage of digestion lasts about an hour and has a distinct taste associated with it. This process is fascinating and will be explored in future blogs. 

Did you know that it takes all six tastes to make a full, satiating meal?

 Ayurveda recommends including each of the tastes at every meal and adjusting the amounts based on your personal constitution. This helps you maintain balanced nutrition and good health, as well as feel satisfied overall. 

The combination of tastes that’s right for you depends primarily on your unique constitution, any current imbalances you may be experiencing, your age, your environment and the particular season you find yourself in. While each of the tastes is necessary, the specifics are determined by the context of each individual and may change over time.

All of the different tastes combine in various ways to create a diversity of flavors and experiences encountered throughout our lives. The more we learn about each one and their effects, the more we can adapt our habits to ensure an overall state of health and balance of our body, mind, and spirit.

Stay tuned as we continue to explore the 6 tastes, revealing more properties and attributes of each, the effects they have on digestion, as well as how they affect certain functions of the body. We will also be sharing specific food examples so that you can begin to better incorporate each taste into your diet and meal plans, as is right for you.

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