Start with exploring: 🧭


What is your local environment like? ☀️🍁💨

Is it still hot, with summer’s end nowhere in sight?

It is hot in the day, but does the air cool off at night?

Is it windy?

Is it already brisk?


How do your body and mind feel right now? 🤯 ☺️

Does your body feel strong and agile? Or inflamed and stiff?

Does your mind feel clear and focused? Or are you foggy-brained?


What similarities can you see in your mind and body and nature?

Throughout summer, we accumulate heat, and before the weather cools off and the wind picks up, we want to maintain a balanced temperature and ground our minds.


How do we do this? 🤷🏻‍♀️


✨ It starts with knowing how your body works and using nature as a tool. ✨


When you learn about your internal digestive fire 🔥 or in Ayurveda Agni, you understand how much heat and other elements help you and when the imbalance of the elements is the cause of your pain, discomfort, inflammation, weight gain, and brain fog.

 Three tips to ground into 🍁 fall 

➡️ The squashes and root vegetables are appearing in the markets. When we eat root vegetables, they ground our minds and bodies.


➡️ If it was warm in the day but cool and windy at night, rock that scarf for fall and keep your neck warm. Move away from the calendar and tap into what is happening right now.


➡️ Be present. When we come into the present moment, we ground. Anxiety shows up when we think about the future, so if we come into the present moment, we can ground, balance ourselves, and thrive.