The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, a 5000-year-old system referred to as the “Science of Life,” states that most dis-eases are born during the changing of the seasons. 

In our external environment, we notice some noticeable changes. The air tends to be dry, the wind picks up, and the temperatures begin to cool off with shorter days and longer nights. 🍁

Our internal landscape and rhythms mirror that of nature. Our skin gets drier, the wind correlates to scattered mental energy, and we too begin to cool down.

As you say goodbye to summer and start to welcome in the Fall, you can apply some simple lifestyle tools to help ease the transition.

One of the easiest ways to connect to Fall is to get outside and go for a walk or a bike ride. Take in all the sights and sounds around you. Notice the changing leaves and the beautiful colors beginning to emerge. Enjoy the crisp, cool air, and breathe it all in! 🍂

Start reducing cooling foods such as fruit, raw salads, and frozen desserts. Embrace the season’s flavors with fresh squashes, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, and apples. 🍎 Some other beneficial Fall foods are brown rice, millet, and root vegetables such as carrots, daikon, parsnip, burdock, turnips, beets, pumpkins, and squashes. Root veggies nourish, help you feel more grounded, (rooted) and make a nice soup.

Drink your water, please. 💧 The general rule for hydration is half your weight in ounces. (200 lbs. 100 oz of water) this keeps your organs functioning properly, your mind sharp, and brings balanceto the dry and windy temperaments of the Fall season. 

As the wind picks up, 💨 what gets windy in your world? Fall is usually a busy time, and our minds can get scattered.

What is something that grounds you?

This could be a simple 1 min. practice and can bring a significant shift. 

Transitions can sometimes be hard on our Minds and our Bodies. Being aware and noticing the seasons help you to stay healthy and vital. By incorporating one or all these tips, you can better support and nurture yourself during seasonal changes.

What will you incorporate this Fall season?