We’ve all heard the expression, however, no one’s actually turned into a cow after eating a burger or steak. More accurately, you are how your body uniquely responds to what you eat and eating processed foods or other particular food items could contribute to various health issues. 

What we eat can literally change our bodies and our minds. It has profound affects on how we feel, our mood, energy levels, our ability to focus and concentrate, as well as our physical bodies. What we eat and how we eat can even change how we perform at work, activities and in life.

The human body is replacing billions of cells every day and the foods we eat are the building materials being used. We may not feel it, but we are constantly regenerating, repairing, healing and rebuilding our body.

Begin by paying attention to how you feel after you eat. Do you feel light, energized, invigorated, or do you feel bloated, heavy, tired, inflamed or nauseated? How do your muscles and joints feel? 

Do you sometimes have lots of pain and other times hardly any at all? Do you get a headache after eating certain foods? Do you have a hard time sleeping at night? Do you feel joint pain, break out in acne, experience mood swings, eczema or other skin conditions? 

Your diet may be the culprit!

Fad diets trick our bodies. A healthy lifestyle, on the other hand, works WITH the body to help it thrive. 

Each person is unique and must find what meets their specific needs and constitution. Ideally, we want to consume fresh, whole foods that are minimally processed and as direct from nature as possible, as well as, foods that are free of additives, colorings, flavorings, sweeteners and hormones. 

According to holistic health practitioner Ann Wigmore, “the food you eat can be either the safest most powerful medicine, or the slowest form of poison.” 

Awareness is the key to finding what works for YOU! If your body and living pain free are important to you, look inward to what you feed your body.

If you are what you eat, then what are you? 

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