You are what you digest

You are what you digest

    We have probably all heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” however, it is a little more nuanced than that!   “We are what we digest” is a lot more accurate.   We can eat all the power foods, but if our digestion does...
Fall is in the air

Fall is in the air

  Fall 🍁is a time of transition where you can witness the changes externally everywhere around you. The days become shorter, and the nights become longer. 🌑 We feel the mornings and evenings cool down, and the winds start to pick up. The trees shed their leaves...
A Balanced Spring 

A Balanced Spring 

🌷 Spring is upon us! Yea 💐 The time between each season is crucial to support the health of your body, mind, and soul. In most aspects of our lives, we strive for balance. Balance is where our optimal health lives. Although it is not a destination but a place to aim...
Transition from Summer to Fall 

Transition from Summer to Fall 

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, a 5000-year-old system referred to as the “Science of Life,” states that most dis-eases are born during the changing of the seasons.  In our external environment, we notice some noticeable changes. The air tends to be dry, the wind...
Summer Summer Summertime!

Summer Summer Summertime!

There is a rhythm with nature that is mirrored inside us; when we take the time to notice and sync up with nature, we have robust immune systems, balanced digestion, and emotional health.  Some like it Hot             Others do not… If you like learning more about...