If it is a priority for you to feel healthy, vibrant, and alive, the Mind, Body, and Soul all must be considered. The physical, mental/emotional, and energetic aspects are interconnected pieces, and the whole is hol-istic. (whole istic)

The Body/Physical Aspect

The Mind/Mental & Emotional Aspect

  • Conscious thinking as opposed to going through life on autopilot.
  • Our mental attitudes, beliefs, and emotions affect our physical health.
  • We do not allow the Mind to do all its essential work because it is in fight or flight mode.

The Soul/Energetic Aspect

  • Our energetic Body.
  • Our Soul, the Soul is pure. When our Mind and Body are taken care of, our Soul can reveal itself.
  • It is multifaceted; each person has their own unique experience and connection to a Higher Power

We tend to use Holistic often and loosely, but all these parts are crucial for our health, and one affects the other. If we neglect our Body by eating a lot of sugar, we can end up with a disease, but this can also affect our Mind, clouding it, making it difficult to concentrate and make crucial decisions. If we are stressed, we often can’t think clearly today; however, over the long haul can cause high blood pressure and many other conditions. We often hear the term ‘I need to feed my soul,’ which is usually in Nature or some form of Higher Power ritual to bring us “back.” “Feeding the Soul” often helps clear our Minds to feel that pizazz in our steps. Our Soul is always there, and when we clear our Minds, process our emotions, and take care of our bodies, our Soul can truly shine through. Through our Soul, we learn our purpose and connect with others on a deep level.

What are you looking to improve in your Holistic Health? Reach out via email if you would like assisted guidance on your journey!

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