Certain foods and activities that heal someone create excitement, and they want to share with everyone, 🎉 “This is the way to heal.” unfortunately, this is not true.

We all function and heal according to our makeup, DNA, diet, lifestyle, and other exclusive factors that make you, you.


Understanding one’s constitution allows for personalized dietary choices and lifestyle practices that are the key to our holistic health. 🙌🏼


➡️ Take the quiz!   ⬅️


The quiz uses Ayurvedic Wisdom to find the unique proportions of the five elements, or the three doshas, in Ayurveda forming the basis of one’s constitution.

If you want more details on each element, click the links.

Ether & Air = Vata 💢 💨

Fire & Water = Pitta 🔥 💦

Water & Earth = Kapha 💦 🌎


By taking the quiz, you get your innate distribution of the elements and can use nature to help figure out what your mind and body’s needs to feel good and heal from conditions, pain and brain fog.


🚫     I am not here to hand you a food list and dictate what’s best to eat and do.

✅ I am here to teach you how to understand how your unique body optimizes.


By knowing what your mind and body need, getting off course is not so detrimental; you will know which direction to head in to create balance in your mind and body.


⚖️ When we find our inner balance, everything improves. You feel energized, mentally clear, physically strong, agile, and connected to what you love most. You heal from your injuries, symptoms, and conditions knowing that inner balance is the remedy.