Fall is in the air

Fall is in the air

  Fall 🍁is a time of transition where you can witness the changes externally everywhere around you. The days become shorter, and the nights become longer. 🌑 We feel the mornings and evenings cool down, and the winds start to pick up. The trees shed their leaves...
Take the elements quiz!

Take the elements quiz!

Your Unique Constitution. Ayurveda categorizes individuals into the five elements, or the three doshas, forming the basis of one’s constitution. If you want more details on each element, click the links. Ether & Air = Vata Fire & Water = Pitta Water...
Ayurvedic Wisdom in a nutshell.

Ayurvedic Wisdom in a nutshell.

  The science of Ayurveda is an individualistic, whole body, or holistic wellness system that integrates the ✨Body, Mind, and Soul ✨so we can experience harmony in sync with nature. 💧🔥💨   A separation between any of these can result in poor health, internal...
You are Unique!

You are Unique!

  Do you ever hear people say oh, Keto (insert any fad diet) works great for me, and then you try it, and you feel horrible? It is because our health blueprint is unique to us.   There are tools to help us understand our unique make-ups. A Balance Within’s...