Your Unique Constitution.

Ayurveda categorizes individuals into the five elements, or the three doshas, forming the basis of one’s constitution. If you want more details on each element, click the links.

Ether & Air = Vata

Fire & Water = Pitta

Water & Earth = Kapha


What does this quiz do for me?

Understanding your unique element constitution is the key to unlocking your optimal holistic health to Live the Life you Love❣️


Let me ask you…

What do you want to do in your life? 🤔


How does your mind and body need to be to align with what you want in life? 🧠 💃🏻


Your dominant elements influence physical traits and mental and emotional tendencies.


People thrive in various environments, climates, and lifestyles, and we must consider these variations in all our diverse circumstances.


Get started in learning your unique constitution and take the elements quiz!