The science of Ayurveda is an individualistic, whole body, or holistic wellness system that integrates the ✨Body, Mind, and Soul ✨so we can experience harmony in sync with nature. 💧🔥💨


A separation between any of these can result in poor health, internal discomfort, unclear mind, pain, or dis-ease. One of the most powerful fundamental principles of Ayurveda is its emphasis on self-healing. Your body has the capacity to repair and heal itself if we give it a balanced environment.


Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical healing traditions in the world. It originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is derived from ancient Eastern philosophies on how we can use the principles of nature for healing.


The word Ayurveda means “the science of life.” It is a practical approach to creating a healthy lifestyle. This system teaches you that when you align your daily habits with natural cycles, support your unique digestion, eat the right food for your body, and get good natural sleep, so your physiology can work optimally.


Ayurveda prioritizes our make-up, or constitution, and is unique and different from each other; therefore, we need individualized diet and treatment strategies. Ayurveda is preventative based and specializes in holistic treatments for existing conditions, getting to the source of the problem rather than just treating symptoms.


Your constitution serves as your blueprint for optimal health; therefore, understanding it can be enlightening. This process is about self-discovery. Ayurvedic Wisdom will empower you to connect with your unique Body and Mind to begin to trust the innate Wisdom you already hold. When you build this trust within, in conjunction with these Ayurvedic tools, you can learn to navigate and correct imbalances.


We at A Balance Within use Ayurvedic Wisdom to focus on your unique constitution and help you create your wellness path because your health goals and obstacles are individual to you. You learn how to flow with the dynamics of an energetic life, a clear mind, and a robust immune system to continue to do the things you love❣️