Emotions have a purpose. 
They appropriately help us navigate through an obstacle. 
😡 Anger helps us hyperfocus on what we want and make it happen.
😢 Sadness is a signal for help; we need self-care or support from others. Our tears contain oxytocin to soothe us. 

Our feelings and emotions have a purpose; we must acknowledge them and learn to understand what they communicate.

➡️ We get annoyed with a friend but do not say anything. 
Suppressed anger can be an underlying cause of anxiety and depression. Anger that is not appropriately expressed can disrupt relationships, affect thinking and behavior patterns, and create various physical problems.

➡️ Someone said something that feels hurtful.
 Do you lash out or hold the pain in? 
(React or suppress)

➡️ Fearful to make the leap? 
This can lead to anxiety, always thinking about what could be. 
Fear can even affect our digestion.

➡️ You got exciting news but downplayed it because you don’t want to seem showy.
This is a common practice with guilt or not feeling deserving at the root cause.

Emotion is e-motion, energy in motion, and when we do not process them, the energy gets stuck in our tissues, causing inflammation, pain, conditions, and disease. When you process your emotions, the energy is fluid and can communicate with your Intuition.

If this is something you would like help with, please reach out to Lori@abalancewithin.com

Lori has a six-month transformational course with 1:1 coaching called “Plug into Purpose”Lori has worked in the holistic health industry for 25 years. She has broken down the steps to tap into your Intuition to make purposeful, powerful life decisions.

Create freedom in your work-life flow and Create the Life you Love❣️

  • The Magic of Synergy
  • Sensations in the Body; what they mean.
  • Activate your Emotional Intelligence
  • How to Manage Stress and Anxiety that Block the Magic of Synergy 
  • Issues in the Tissues
  • Intuition is your Superpower; how to tap in

“…I didn’t realize how disconnected I was from myself and how much fear and sadness I was living in. Lori showed me ways to change the narrative and work toward being my best self. My relationship to myself and to my family has been forever changed in such a positive light…” Sarah D.

I look forward to hearing from you!